With the country being in lockdown, many people are finding that they now have more time on their hands. Some are using the extra time at home to undertake all the jobs around the house that they never usually have time to do. Others are using it to make sure their personal and financial affairs are up to date and in order, including focusing on what might happen in the event of their deaths.
We have been contacted by many people who have said they know that they need a Will but have never found the time to give it the thought it needs until now. Similarly, people who already have Wills have been using this time to review them and update them where necessary, owing to changes in their personal or financial circumstances over time.
Whilst the restrictions put in place as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have altered the way in which we are able to work and meet with clients, we are still able to take instructions from new or existing clients in relation to putting in place new Wills or amending existing ones. We are able to deal with matters over email, telephone or ‘face to face’ by way of Zoom meetings or video calling.
One of the challenges we have faced is how to ensure that Wills are legally and validly signed, whilst still maintaining social distancing. Whilst some legal documents can now be signed virtually, the same is not the case for Wills. In order to comply with the legal signing requirements, the Will must be signed in the presence of two independent witnesses. This would generally mean two people from outside of your household.
We are able to advise and assist you in relation to signing the Will, whether that be utilising outside spaces such as gardens, drive ways (or our office car park!) so that a distance of two metres can be kept between all parties, or witnessing signatures through a window if the person signing has Covid-19 symptoms or has been told to self-isolate.
We are also able to undertake ‘emergency’ Wills that need to be prepared in a very short space of time, such as if someone is suffering from Covid-19 symptoms and wishes to have a Will put in place very quickly, in case their condition worsens.
If you would like to discuss putting a Will in place, or amending an existing Will, please contact a member of our Private Client Team on 01892 515 022, or by email kjg@cooperburnett.com shs@cooperburnett.com
This blog is not intended as legal advice and cannot be relied upon as such. CooperBurnett does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of its contents. Government guidelines are constantly changing without notice so please refer to www.gov.uk/coronavirus