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By Natasha Smith, Senior Associate

The New Year is a great time for business owners to review where their organisation is and assess where they want it to be.

Employment law changes rapidly and so it is important for employers to keep on top of the latest developments in legislation and decisions made through case law.

We are regularly instructed by employers who ask us to review their contracts and policies and ensure they are up to date, or to draft new documents, where they don’t have anything in place.

There are some important changes coming into effect in early 2024 relating to the rights around flexible working and, as a result, we are assisting employers with ensuring their flexible working policies are amended to reflect these. It is also key from a practical perspective for organisations to prepare for a potential increase in such requests given that employees will be able to make more than one request in a 12 month period.

We are also regularly instructed by employees who might have reconsidered their job or career aspirations over the Christmas break and want to negotiate their exit from a company or understand any post termination restrictions they are contractually bound by. Or they may wish to have new contracts reviewed to ensure they understand what they are signing up to.

Since Covid, there has been a significant shift in the way workplaces operate and it has become clear that employers who can offer a range of wellbeing initiatives and those who actively demonstrate a greater understanding of the individuals within their organisation, will generally have better retention and recruitment rates. It can be daunting for employers to embrace a new way of working but the world of employment law is constantly evolving and only those employers who keep up with the changes will be the ones that don’t lose out.

Whether the previous year has been successful or not, our clients are always thinking about what is coming up on the horizon. So, planning and organisation is absolutely key to their success and we are here to help clients with any challenges they face.

If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Natasha Smith on email: or tel: 01892 515022.

This blog is not intended as legal advice that can be relied upon and CooperBurnett LLP does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of its contents.

Originally published in The Times of Tunbridge Wells:

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February 5, 2024
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